Millau viaduct

Southend French Circle are still Zooming!
Following the success of previous seasons' Zoom lectures, Southend French Circle will continue to hold their talks and conversation evenings for the 2024-25 season via Zoom. However we have also added monthly in person meet-ups which are usually held at Belfairs Woodland Centre. Watch out for notifications in the Members' newsletters.
We hold two meetings per month between September and July, one talk and one conversation evening each month, all conducted in French.
The subscription for the full year remains at £37.00 and if you would like to be included in future meetings, membership is required.
To join simply click on the link below to email us.
[email protected]
Alternatively, you may join for individual meetings at a cost of £6 per meeting.
Please email at the address above to book your meeting
If you would like to listen to a very clear and interesting speaker (IN FRENCH) this group is for you. All are welcome. Please email as above for details of how to pay and join the meetings.
Our 2024-25 programme of events will continue on Wednesday 12 February
with a talk by :
Annie Kean – Aventures, exploits et désastres en mer : Histoire de la marine française du XIIIème au XVIIIème siècle
Ce n’est qu’en 1294 que le premier chantier naval français voit le jour et que la France commence à construire ses propres navires. Dès la fin du XVème siècle, un nouveau type de vaisseau, la caravelle, va permettre aux navigateurs de se lancer à la conquête des mers et d’explorer des terres éloignées. Dès lors, les corsaires et explorateurs français sillonnent les océans et la flotte française se développe, mais il faut attendre le XVIIème siècle pour que, grâce à Colbert, la France devienne la première puissance navale de l’époque.
The March meeting on the 12th will feature a musical theme from Emilie Capulet:
Emilie Capulet – Le roi danse : les comédies-ballets de Molière et de Lully
Divertissement alliant musique, danse et théâtre, la comédie-ballet a fait fureur à la cour du Roi Soleil. Inventeur du genre, Molière (1622-1673), dont nous célébrons en 2022 ses 400 ans de naissance, s’allie avec les plus grands compositeurs de l’époque, dont Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687) et Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643-1704), pour produire des chefs-d’œuvre tels que Le Malade imaginaire et Le Bourgeois gentilhomme. Composées sur mesure pour des fêtes royales, les comedies-ballets ont contribué au développement de l’opéra français.

Please go to the next page to see full
details of the programme for 2024-5
The next Conversation Evenings will be on
26 February and 26 March.
As usual they will take place via Zoom and the link
will be sent to members on the morning of the meeting.
We look forward to some interesting conversation.
We look forward to seeing old friends and welcoming new members.
In order to comply with Data Protection legislation, Southend French Circle has emailed all contacts to ask for their permission to hold and use their email addresses to inform members and friends of forthcoming events at French Circle, and other items/events of interest. Please inform us by email if you do NOT want SFC to retain you on our mailing list.
In order to comply with Data Protection legislation, Southend French Circle has emailed all contacts to ask for their permission to hold and use their email addresses to inform members and friends of forthcoming events at French Circle, and other items/events of interest. Please inform us by email if you do NOT want SFC to retain you on our mailing list.